We are an Acknowledged Anglican Religious Community; a dispersed fellowship of friends who seek God together through stillness, silence and creativity, sharing the ups and downs of life wherever we are called to live and work.
We are supported and advised by the Advisory Council for Religious Communities (in the Church of England) and we enjoy fellowship with many other Religious Communities, sharing stories, encouragements and prayer.
We are also a Charitable Incorporated Organisation, regulated by the Charity Commission.
Our Purpose, Values and Charism
Our Purpose
To advance the Christian Faith for the public benefit, in accordance with the doctrines of the Church of England mainly but not exclusively by:
- Providing sanctuary and creative space using Christian based resources for individuals, families and groups, of any faith or none, to engage in the ancient practice of stillness and silence.
- Providing a dispersed community, united through a common rhythm of life, which Christians from any denominations can join, should they want to include contemplative, monastic Christian practices as part of their Christian faith.
Our Values
Christian love and acceptance of others, hospitality, simplicity, compassion, listening, sharing, sanctuary, creativity and encouragement.
Hopeweavers rhythm
The rhythm of the Community includes:
- the modelling of a commitment to a Rule of Life (see below);
- the discipline of daily prayer based upon stillness and silence;
- both individually and corporately, the use of the Hopeweavers Daily Office and other appropriate forms of Daily Prayer; and
- involvement in Hopeweaver meetings and events including: Morning Prayer, Midday Prayer and Communion, Community Team meetings, Quiet Days, Soul Days, H@H, Refresh, Family Hopeweavers, bespoke group days, Members groups, Spiritual Direction, Retreats, mentoring, and Quiet Days held in other places
For more information is available within on our policy page here.
Community Membership
Many people love to come to Hopeweavers Quiet Days and other events, appreciating the times of stillness and silence and the opportunity for creativity in their spiritual journey. But for some the connection goes deeper and they want to explore becoming a Member of the Community of Hopeweavers. We call these folks Enquirers. They are assigned a Guide (a current Member) who helps them explore their calling and discern what their relationship with the Community should be at this time. At the end of this process (between one and two years usually) the Enquirer may choose to step forward into Membership.
Membership of the Community of Hopeweavers is marked by four commitments:
- Commitment to our Rule of Life, re-expressed to reflect the Member’s own calling and circumstance.
- Commitment to practising stillness, silence and creativity in our worship life through the regular use of our Daily Office, at times augmented by another rhythm of prayer.
- Commitment to connect with the Community to give and receive support and encouragement in our spiritual journeys.
- Commitment to offer Sanctuary Space to others in some way.

If you are interested in exploring becoming a member then please contact us.
Our Rule of Life
Over the centuries Christians have found it helpful to articulate and pursue a rhythm of intentional spiritual practices that enable them to draw close to and remain within the Love of God. This is sometimes known as a Rule of Life.
Our Rule of Life has seven headings: worship; study; health rest and renewal; relationships; work; stewardship; creativity. Members create their own Rule of Life using these headings to reflect their own life circumstances and commit to it for one year at the Gathering of Promises Service in January. The Rule can then be reviewed and amended each year as the Member wishes to renew their promises.
Friends of Hopeweavers
A Friend of Hopeweavers is someone who is interested in our Community and wants to keep up with what is going on. They may have been to Quiet Days or other events and value our charism of stillness, silence and creativity. They may have joined us in our rhythm of prayer online or in person. Friends are supportive of the Community and many choose to pray for us, offer practical support or give financially to us to support the work we do in offering Sanctuary Space to all.
If you would like to receive our regular updates then please sign up here.
Links of people and organisations we connect with

Here is a selection of people and other communities that we connect with.
- The Right Revd Dr Jo Bailey Wells. Bishop Jo is our episcopal visitor and supports the trustees as they lead the community.
- Anglican Religious Life. Click on the link to find out more from this key network of traditional, established and emerging religious communities, who helped to organise the 2015 Conference ‘Treasures Old and New’ held at Castle Sneaton in Whitby. Similar conferences are arranged bi-annually, which we love to be part of.
- Diocese of Winchester. Hopeweavers is within the oversight of the Winchester Diocese and the Community benefits from the active participation of several members of Diocesan Clergy. We regularly pray for the work of the Diocese.
- Hilfield Friary Hilfield Friary is one of the religious communities that Members take time to experience for our own rest and retreat. We benefit from our relationship with the community who model a compelling example of simple living through the everyday experiences of life as Franciscans. Since 2010, some of us have been able to share residential time together for two weeks or so during the Summer months. In addition, Hopeweavers lead retreats at the Friary as part of the Hilfield programme.
- The Northumbria Community We sometimes use resources from Celtic Daily Prayer as part of our days at Hopeweavers. Several of our Friends have close connections with the Community in Northumberland.
- The Retreat Association. We have found much encouragement and guidance from the Director and the team at the Retreat Association. For several years we have been privileged to host a Regional Quiet Day in partnership with the Retreat Association and have played creative leadership roles in the National Conferences.